Saturday, May 26, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Another winter is over, and it's time to move again.  Even through all of these moves, I have managed to accumulate more stuff than I really need.  Usually I put it in storage for the summer, only to completely forget about it in the fall and realize how much I really didn't need it.  So, it is my mission this year to try and get rid of all this excess in my life.

The big question remains- How do I do this???  Trust me, it's not easy.  That dress I bought 4 years ago that I've worn once seems impossible to let go of.  WTF is wrong with me??  I've got 10 other dresses in the closet that I would wear before I wore that one.  So, I turned to my friends for ideas and inspiration and here are a few things they came up with:

Have a garage sale.
Take it to a consignment shop.
Toss it and see if you miss it.
Keep only what you would take with you on a trip.
Live in a country for a little while where people have nothing, not even clean water.
Ask yourself: Would you buy this if you were at a store right now?  If no, let it go.
For clothes: Have you worn it in the last 3 months?  If no, let it go.

Well, wish me luck with this cleansing and please send me any more tips you may have that worked for you.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Barrier Bluffs, Kananaskis Country

The day starts with a european breakfast on my patio- espresso, a slice of toast from the bakery down the street, and a good book.  It's already 20 degrees and it's sunny.  What girl couldn't resist a day climbing in the mountains in these conditions?  So, I head to the polling stations in Canmore to put in my Alberta Provincial Election vote, and I'm on my way to the Bluffs!  Barrier Bluffs in Kananaskis Country is an early season favourite for climbers in the Bow Valley.  It's south facing, there are large rocks to lounge on at the base of the climbs, and the grades are moderate so you can work the bolts without scaring yourself. 
As usual there was a bit of snow on the approach, but there is usually only a few patches left in late April.


I slowly made my way up some 5.10 slippery, slabby climbs and enjoyed the sun and warm breeze.  What a great intro to the 2012 summer rock season.  I'll be out there this summer and I hope I see you out there too!

  ***A note on hanging out below the climbs at Barrier Bluffs***

Wear your helmet and do not hang out on the large boulders that you probably have already lounged on!  There were rocks the size of my head that landed 2ft away from me as I was getting stuff from my pack.  I was glad I kept my helmet on even when I wasn't climbing.  It really doesn't take much.  Remember this if you ever go- there is rock above you that you can't see.