The weather has been pretty fine here in Canmore the past couple weeks, and so some friends came down to Canmore for a weekend of rock climbing. Saturday we went to Wasootch Slabs for some wonderful, sunny, 10 plus degree climbing. Since Saturday was so nice, we were all pumped for early season climbing and decided to head back out for another day! Sunday we found ourselves at Black Band in Banff. The approach is only 10 minutes of easy strolling, before a short 100m scree slope to get to the base of the climbs. Once you hit the river, you look up at the huge face and there is a big black band running across it, and all the climbs are below the band.
TL, Emily, and Barry ready for day 2 action. Notice the toques- later we had snow but I didn't get any pictures of it since I was unfortunately on the wall!
TL with the castle (Banff Springs Hotel), river, mountains and rock.
TL in the late afternoon sun, taking down an anchor.
I am super stoked for the climbing season, and considering it's only March and we've already been out a few days, it should be even better than last year. Living in Canmore for the season will certainly help in getting in more climbs. It's about a half an hour walk from my place to Cougar Creek climbing area, so it's my new goal to incorporate a climb or two into my morning run (which means Ian has to come with me, and we have to run with our gear!), but it still should be awesome. Let the climbing season begin!
Awesome photo of TL with the Chateau in the background... Climb on!